
Okay. Bad news - Vinyl (N.American) got held up after okaying test presses due to some graphics/printing details, so we didn't have them this past weekend and won't have the regular ones (same with distributors) till sometime next week. Good news - the vinyl itself was done so we got some sent and will have 85 limited, hand numbered ones in different jackets that we'll have at the Toronto LP release show (hence the term) on Saturday, and the Burlington house show on Sunday. All in all, the 1'st NA pressing is 700 black, 300 grey/white marble and 85 release show edition. And the 1'st European press is 500 black, 250 clear/black, and 250 clear.
Yo! I'm considering driving up for the house show on Sunday, but it would be almost a 3 hour drive from almost the PA boarder down here in NY. Is there still tickets to that show or is it just a house show or whats the deal? Also, if I can't make it for some reason, is there a chance you guys could still hook me up with a copy of the show LP?
hope there will be a good handfull of vinyl left for burlington.
new shirts too?
Hey. We've got about 20 left we're bringing to Burlington today, we set 'em aside before Lees last night so we'd have some. It's definitely one per person, but Jordan, if you see this in time, yeah, i'll hold you one if you're there tonight.
Please tell me that you will have an /85 or any pressing of III i could grab at either the hamilton show or the toronto in-store!
amel: the /85s will be gone, the rest went tonight, save one i had held for someone. We'll have the Baizley sleeve vinyl hopefully in time for Friday. If it looks like we won't, we'll get another batch drop shipped again and do another cover, just to have them for these shows. Then the pic-disc will be coming on the heels of that. You definitely won't miss out on the vinyl, but the release show editions are pretty much history after these 2 shows this weekend.
Hey Chris, i asume all the release show editions have already been sold out right. Is there a chance it can get the pic-disc and other records directly from you guys? I did a pre-order at the relapse site
Willem - yeah, the ltd LPs are gone. We have the last few BAS 7" pic discs left with us. We're not mailordering any stuff but if you or someone you know is gonna be at any of the shows still coming up, let me know now (there's literally like 5 left) and I'll put your name on one.
Chris, thanks man but i already have it. I was suppose to be on the first european show but unfortunally i'll be on tour myself so hope that Sam (from amsterdam) is gonna get me on the list when you play in Belgium. Anywhoo, hope to see you guys soon in europe somewhere. P.s if you want a INSULT record...i still got some at home
It's cool to read this old thread regarding the III vinyl release. Baizley killed it a million times over with the art and it fit the album so well, not that it needs to be said but hey. When there is mention of the pic disc, we are talking Blackout at Sunrise right? Or was there originally going to be a pic disc of III? Love the reissue of II that Deathwish did recently. Great cover and great color variants. Really, really stoked for the box set!!! Still love Cursed. Chris, your lyrics and the delivery where too good.
Good timing, I randomly checked this after some time. Thanks a lot dude, it still means a lot to see people connecting with those (or any) songs and the words. Baizley absolutely killed it. And yes, originally there was a plan (albeit just in my brain) to do a ltd run of III on picture disk, things just got crazy and didn't all get where they were supposed to be going. But thank you for the ongoing support and taking it to the heart. - CC
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