Hey. So here's the update. Basically Christian's hands were pretty totaled from years of thrash and hard labour (yeah, I know, there's a "U", it's Canadian. Weird, huh?). He had to have double surgery and then total rehabilitation for them, and this was the only time in the last bunch of years that we've been off the road long enough to do it. One hell of a painful uphill fight but he's back on his feet like Cool Hand Luke. We're getting ready to resuscitate this bitch by March when the record comes out officially and we tour. We've had no P2 Visas for US shows for a while now, that's why we haven't
been playing that charming little country, but we'll have it sorted out by summer. And we'll announce the specifics of the Ontario release shows here once we decide on the details.

All three of our other projects (Crux, Quest For Fire and Burning Love, are all recording for different things in the next 2 weeks. There's a second pressing of the Cursed I gatefold reissue on Trash Art (see link below). Also, the III vinyl is going to be both gatefold and picture disc. All the III lyrics have been put up (see link on the left). There's some newer interviews going around now too, to answer life's greater questions and the mysteries of the universe.
We'll throw them up here too.
Stay Classy.
P.S. New Rotten Sound. New Naomi Klein.
...I can't decide which is sexier.
P.P.S. Oh yeah, Here's Donny's home video of the III studio sessions, featuring a dead bat and the longest string bend ever, so you can taste and hopefully smell the magic (there's a PT.II yet to come with a one-man watermelon fight):
What's the deal with that video? I'm trying to headbang to the longest string bend of all time and you dudes are Stalin.
come back newfoundland!
what happened to the bat?
Crazy has lost its puissance, so i will say that talking to a frozen bat is more.... evidence of insanity.
Christian Colohan...
When do we get to meet Theresa? Has she been metalized yet? Update us!
Oh yeah, downloaded III have no intentions of buying any version of it. That's 'cause I don't support the music industry! HA!
See you at the video store!
love, Bubz.
What, it's Saturday night and I've gotta go to bed soon. How the hell else am I supposed to entertain myself? Masturbate? Please, I'm too mature for that!
Much love, Bubz.
p.s. see you in your dreams!
I heard III today.......all i can say is A-MAZING
Like life, Theresa fell apart and started to stink before we could immortalize her in any way. There's more to that video where she actually mixes the record.
And yes, masturbate. Please.
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